
I started blogging in 2011 or so, when I was in middle school, and have been reviewing books (and occasionally other media) on and off the web ever since then. My tastes range widely, but I enjoy classic fiction and cinema, and am a bit of an Anglophile. Currently based in New York City, probably my favorite place in the world, I’m still figuring out the bent of my life, but it will certainly involve literature and writing.

Planned additions to this blog include chronicles of adventures in the city. I enjoy a lot of solitary walks, and as a flâneuse one invariably discovers something interesting, whether it’s of the fleeting or eternal variety. In addition to fiction and flâneuserie, I’d also like to add fashion, film, and food reviews (my interests conveniently alliterate). This all hinges of course, upon starting to post regularly again. We’ll see…

Hope you enjoy the blog! I love getting comments, and appreciate (civil) feedback. Reading one’s reviews from years past is always cringe-inducing, but I sincerely hope you don’t find them so.

Header photo credit Vivienne Gucwa at NY Through the Lens. 

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi there, just stopping by to say that I really like you blog, and have nominated you for the Liebster award. Information about the award is here: http://islandgeekgirl.wordpress.com/2013/09/29/the-liebster-award/

  2. Hi!
    I’ve been reading your book reviews and would like to invite you to a new Pintrest board:

    This is a place for book lovers to share their favorite books and also a great place to increase traffic to your website by pinning your own book reviews or book-related discussions. Let me know if you’re interested. email me at lasesana@gmail.com

  3. Wonderful blog. Long live all flaneurs!

  4. I really like your blog! I’ve nominated you with the Liebster Award, click the link below for more details: http://britkirkblog.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/liebster-award-tag-and-nominations/

  5. Reene' Nichol said:

    Hello! I wanted to say I absolutely adored these reviews, even though its seems you stopped back in 2014. They are written so well & so beautifully, they’re really endearing! I don’t know where you are in life, though I hope you pursued a career where your talents are fully realized and respected!

    • Thank you so much! This is lovely to hear after so many years, and almost makes me want to start up the blog again!

      I’m currently doing an internship at an independent publisher of literary fiction in translation, so I think it’s fair to say I have.

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